Reasons to Stay Married Rather than Getting Divorced

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If you have been contemplating the idea of divorce then you should do your research of the pros and cons of going through a divorce or staying married. Sometimes making a list helps. Talking with a divorce lawyer at Larsen Law firm in Provo, Utah is a must. Our lawyers can help you to make right decision in your life. Listed below are just some of the reasons you might want to stay married rather than get a divorce.


Divorce is Expensive

The average divorce costs somewhere in the $15,000 to $20,000 range, and can include the expenses of the following:

  • Attorney’s fees (which can vary by state)
  • Court costs (also varies by state)
  • Costs for parent education classes
  • Fees for early neutral evaluations
  • Mediation costs


Divorces can be Lengthy

Depending on how easily you and your ex-spouse can agree to the terms of the divorce will determine how long the divorce process can take. While some divorces can take a few weeks, some can take as long as a year. The more assets you have involved the more complicated the divorce can be and the more time it could take.


Divorces can Hurt your Confidence

We never plan on getting divorced. We all hope that our marriage will last a life-time. Most feel like a failure when they go through with getting a divorce. Depending on your situation a divorce may not be your only option. Seek the advice of counselors, close family, and a divorce lawyer at Larsen Law Firm in Provo, Utah.


Divorce can Ruin Friendships

In a marriage you tend to make friends with fellow married couples or friends of your spouse. Going through a divorce can cause you to sever ties with those friends. The close bond you once had could be strained during the process of a divorce.


When you are thinking about getting a divorce you need to take everything into consideration. Listed above are just a few reasons to consider. Talking to one of the experienced divorce lawyers at Larsen Law Firm in Provo, Utah can help you in making the right decision. Call our office today to set up a consultation.


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