How to Deal with a Dog Bite

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An important thing to remember is that not all dogs are friendly. If dogs feel threatened or scared they will revert back to natural instincts and do what they need to do to protect themselves. If you are a victim of a dog bite, Larsen Law Firm, your local Provo Attorney, can help. Below are some steps you should take if this unfortunate event does occur.

Find the Owner

It is crucial you identify the dog and its owner after the bite has occurred. The owners will be able to tell you if the dog has been suffering from rabies and if you will need to get the required rabies shots. Make sure you gather names, addresses, and witnesses of everyone involved in the event of a dog bite. Having this information will be useful when seeking legal advice.

Medical Attention

Depending on the severity of the bite you need to seek medical attention either by calling for emergency responders or by having someone drive you to the emergency room. Always seek medical attention regarding a dog bite. There is a risk of infection that should be addressed immediately.

File a Report

It is important to gather evidence pertaining to the bite. By contacting the proper city authorities you can file a dog bite report. These reports are important to file in case the dog in question has attacked before or it will attack again. Authorities need to have the report in order to solve the situation.

Gather Evidence

Get any and all information you can pertaining to your injuries, the dog, and its owners. Take photographs of your injury and where the dog bite occurred. Keep a journal of all the medical attention that was needed and received. Investigate the dog and see if there has been a history of attacks in the past.

Seek Legal Help

It is always best to seek legal help immediately following the dog bite incident. At Larsen Law Firm in Provo, we can provide you with a personal injury attorney who is experienced and knowledgeable with dog bite scenarios. Our attorneys can guide you through what steps to take and make sure you will be taken care of.

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