Mental Health and Divorce

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Are you aware that May is Mental Health Awareness Month? With the current crisis of depression and anxiety in Utah County and the stress and trauma when divorcing, it is no surprise that many of our clients at Larsen Law Firm are facing some level of depression, often of a temporary nature. Often, people are too embarrassed or nervous to disclose their challenges with their mental health, afraid of the stigma that comes with mental illness.

Divorce affects everyone differently

When you are divorcing, it is natural that you will have some concerns about your present life and experiencing both depression and anxiety are common at this pivotal time, even if you know that the ending of your marriage relationship is necessary and you can rationalize your decisions. A divorce lawyer in Provo with Larsen Law Firm advises that all his clients visit their primary care physician and get screened for depression and/or anxiety. By so doing, they can get help and be healthier for the future, which will also be stressful.

What will seeing a therapist do to my custody arrangements? I don’t want to lose access to my kids!

Family law judges expect the divorcing parties to have some level of depression or anxiety, to one degree or another, when they see them and evaluate their cases. Seeking help is a sign of strength, not of weakness, which shows that you are putting self care on your list of priorities to make yourself the best parent that you can be. If there are serious issues that come up that make you a risk to yourself or others, that is a vastly different story. This is rare, and your qualified therapist will make sure that you are not a danger to yourself or others.

Should my kids see a therapist as well?

Sometimes, family law judges will order therapy for the children, or even for the entire family. If your kids have not seen a counselor about your divorce, you would be wise to find one ASAP so that they have someone to talk to about this difficult time.

Having a spell of depression and/or anxiety around a divorce is common. Getting help early on is critical for the best outcome possible for your mental well-being. Please contact a divorce attorney in Provo at Larsen Law Firm should you have more questions about mental health and your specific case.

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