Elements of a Happy Marriage

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Have you been pondering what makes some marriages flourish while others seem to struggle? A lot of it has to do with the amount of effort each person puts into the marriage. We at Larsen Law Firm in Provo hope to help you through the ups and downs of your marriage by giving you the elements you need in your relationship to have a happy marriage.


  • Go on Dates Regularly. This is a must if you want to keep your marriage and your spouse happy. Getting away from the constant stress of life to take a break with each other can be just what your marriage needs. Make going on dates a priority by scheduling it on a particular day each week. The dates don’t need to be anything fancy, just as long as you have a moment away with your spouse.
  • Share Intimate Moments. Love and Affection are keys to a happy marriage. A sexless marriage can lead to a struggling marriage. Showing affection to your spouse should be done regularly.
  • Give Thanks. Marriage is hard. Life is hard. Having to do everything that is required in a day can be exhausting and thankless. Letting your spouse know how much you appreciate them is a must.
  • Always. The best thing you can do for your marriage is just listen to what each other has to say. Knowing that your spouse is listening and engaged no matter the conversation will allow you to communicate more clearly with each other. You can’t have a good marriage without successful communication.
  • Don’t Nag. If you find yourself constantly giving criticism or nagging at your spouse to do something then you need to stop and reevaluate your communication tactics. All nagging does is annoy your spouse or belittle them. Instead you will want to communicate more effectively and be a team player.
  • Follow Through with Promises. Making and keeping promises is the best way to earn and keep your spouse’s trust. This is especially important when the promise is in correlation with something that means a lot to your spouse.
  • Forgive Often. We are human. We are bound to make mistakes. What truly matters is that we are learning from our mistakes. You as a spouse need to be forgiving when it comes to mistakes that are bound to happen.
  • Be Truthful. Another way to keep your spouse’s trust is by being honest. While the truth may be hard to hear occasionally, it will create a strong bond between you and your spouse as you work through the problem together.


Having a happy and successful marriage is easier than it sounds. With the tips listed above you and your spouse can create the marriage you have always wanted. If divorce is still on the table you may want to take the time to talk to one of the divorce attorneys at Larsen Law Firm in Provo. We have all the answers you need when it comes to the legalities of divorce.

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