Setting Boundaries with your Ex-Spouse
Once your divorce has been finalized thanks to the experienced divorce attorneys at Larsen Law in Provo, it is now the time to begin your newly single life. Depending on your situation you may still keep in contact with your ex. Now that the relationship between the both of you has changed it is important to discuss rules and boundaries when you are conversing or spending time together. Listed below are some suggestions to help you deal with your ex and how to set boundaries once your divorce is final.
Cut Emotional Ties
Once your divorce is final you will need to begin the process of emotional healing and cutting the ties that you have to your ex. This is often more difficult when children are involved. The best way to go about it is to look at it like a professional relationship. Try to heal and avoid any further emotional ties to your previous spouse. Doing so will reduce anger, arguments, and unnecessary stress. Getting help from a therapist may be necessary.
Accepting Change
Getting to this point in your life will require an acceptance of the change that has occurred. Take this opportunity to embrace the change and create an environment that you thrive in. Do the things you have been wanting to do for years but felt you couldn’t because of your complicated marriage. This is the time to rediscover who you are and what you like to do.
Establish Rules
Setting up rules with your ex as to how your relationship will function from this point forward is often a good idea. This will help the both of you to heal and grow from the divorce you just experienced. Some of these rules might include:
- Only communicated briefly via text, e-mail, or phone calls
- Speaking to each other respectfully
- Homes are separate and will stay that way
- Keeping conversations impersonal and emotionless
- Not involving children in complicated issues or communication
- Seek elsewhere for advice
- Acceptance of the other person not being a spouse any more
Tailor the rules to fit your unique situation and make sure you follow them. Having these boundaries in place will lead to a happier and stress free life. You have to make sure you are protecting yourself and your family emotionally through this time. For more advice regarding the legalities of divorce and divorce related situations you can trust the divorce attorneys at Larsen Law Firm in Provo to help you in all of your needs. Call us today to set up a consultation.